Empowering Unmedicated Birth | Charlottesville, VA
I met Elizabeth a few years ago when she was the nurse assigned to one of my doula client’s births at Martha Jefferson Hospital. While the birth was a hard one for all involved, I left grateful that Elizabeth had been there to help support my clients. Not only was she warm and compassionate, she was willing to take my camera into the operating room when my client had an unplanned cesarean and I wasn’t permitted to go with her. Elizabeth took incredible photos for me and my client, giving the parents a full visual documentation of their birth story. Needless to say, when she reached out to me a few years later to document her own birth, I was thrilled to be able to work with her again!
What I later learned about Elizabeth is that she is also an incredible birth educator and advocate with a huuuuuge Youtube and Instagram following. I highly recommend following her accounts for great information, down-to-earth advice, and honest recounts of parenthood. I also suggest you pop on over to her video where she shares her birth story firsthand. I personally loved seeing her relive her birth experience and speak so candidly about all that she experienced.
Attending the birth sweet Rosalie was such a joy. Elizabeth and her husband, Joe, were surrounded by hospital staff who were committed to supporting them. At one point, Elizabeth had three different people—her doctor and two nurses—pushing on her back and hips to provide counterpressure relief, all of whom laughed when they were told they weren’t “doing a good job” at it. Happy laughter erupted a few minutes later after Elizabeth speedily birthed her daughter on hands and needs, declaring with surprise, “It's a girl!!!!” (after having been briefly convinced that she had birthed another son).
Anyway, truly, go and watch Elizabeth share her birth story on Youtube. Birth stories are best told straight from the parent anyway! I’m delighted to been a part of her birth team and continue to be grateful that Charlottesville has such an awesome nurse in its community.