Baby Judah’s Newborn Session | Charlottesville, VA

I met Joni and Eddie a couple years ago when they invited me to be their doula during the birth of their first child. I remember silently cracking up inside as those two comically sparred with each other throughout our prenatal visits. Their good-natured banter was that which only comes from a couple who has loved each other for many years. Needless to say, when I joined them for a newborn photography session of their second-born son, I had a lot of fun.

Shortly before Joni birthed her first son, she and Eddie were having a house built in Charlottesville, Virginia. On the day of our newborn session, I joined the family in their gorgeous home-sweet-home and swooned over their stunning rooftop view of the incredible Blue Ridge Mountains. Just days before Thanksgiving (Joni’s and my shared birthday!), their house was decorated for Christmas after an early holiday/birthday celebration with visiting family members. Their twinkling tree added an extra element of coziness to our morning together.

Baby Judah, several weeks old at the time of our session, was the perfect little copy of his older brother, Jaden. While quite similar in looks, I can’t wait to see how Judah’s personality develops over time.

Jaden, a few months shy of two years old, was everything you could expect out of a busy toddler. He scurried from place to place, showing moderate interest in his baby brother, but mostly, he was excited about snacks…and who can blame him? Snacks are the best! It almost became a game to grab some tender, typical newborn shots between Jaden’s raids on his mama’s nursing snack stash. But, friends, that is exactly why I love postpartum photography sessions! They’re real!

The transitory time after adding a child to your life often has moments of chaos and frenzy. When caught in the center of the craze, it’s hard to see through to the beauty that occurs simultaneously. Postpartum photography reveals the softness, the tenderness, the funny-ness, all the elements of this time in life that are unique to you!

It was truly a joy to reconnect with Joni and Eddie and to spend time with their little boys. Those two fellas lucked out and were born to some pretty incredible parents!
